10 habits the earlier you train, the happier you will be.

  2. Learn to live “1 station”: Do one job and get it done
  3. Keep everything important neat and clean
  4. Keep the habit of planning and checking lists regularly
  5. Always KAIZEN to make things better

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning “continuous improvement”.

  1. Learn financial management by applying JARS System (*)
  2. Write a DIARY
  3. Go to bed on time so you can wake up early
  4. Open your mind
  5. If you have the opportunity, try it, because you are allowed to try.

(*) JARS System (The Six Jars System) was created by the author of the book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” as a method to manage your personal finance more effectively and easily, even when your income is quite modest.

Basically, according to this system, you will split your money up into six different accounts by particular percentages or ratios, which helps control your money better. Below is the specific information about each jar:

  • JAR No. 1: Necessities Account – NEC (55% OF INCOME)

You will use 55% of your income for expenses which help you meet your daily necessities, such as meals, bills and shopping. Because this is used for the most basic and essential needs, it will account for the highest percentage of your income.

  • JAR NO. 2: Long-Term Saving – LTS (10% INCOME)

This saving is used for long-term goals such as buying a car, buying a house, having a baby, fulfilling your dreams, etc. This gives you better awareness of your goals and the drive to achieve them. It’s important that you save as soon as you receive your income to avoid spending it.

  • JAR NO. 3: Education Account – EDU (10% INCOME)

It is essential that 10% of the income should be used for educational activities to broaden your knowledge such as buying books or attending workshops and courses. This is a good investment for your growth, which enables you to generate more income in the future.

  • JAR NO. 4: Play Account – PLY (10% INCOME)

Money that comes out of the play account is used to have fun. This is the money you spend on going shopping and taking care of yourself to make you feel motivated to work better. In other words, this is a fund to reward yourself and it gives you more energy to strive in life. So, if you have not used up this fund, you may not be taking good care of yourself enough, and this in the long run can cause imbalance in life.

  • JAR NO. 5: Financial Freedom Account – FFA (10% INCOME)

This is the amount you use to participate in passive income-generating activities such as savings, investments, business capital contributions. By doing this, you have created a “goose” that lays golden eggs to use when you are no longer working.


This is the money you use to do charity and help the community, relatives, and friends. If you have more to pay, reduce this rate, but always make a deduction to help others.

Know early, your life will be happier!

9 things you shouldn’t fight about

  1. With parents, do not argue
  2. With friends, don’t compete for face
  3. With leaders, do not compete to win or lose
  4. With your partner, don’t fight about right or wrong
  5. With petty people, do not argue about morality
  6. With noble people, do not compete for fame and fortune
  7. With relatives, do not compete between rich and poor
  8. For yourself, you can’t compete
  9. With children, do not compete with temperament

Know early, your life will be happier!

Which money is easy to earn?

  1. Money of lustful men
  2. Money from women who love beauty
  3. Rich people fear death with their money
  4. Poor people’s money suddenly becomes rich
  5. Lazy people’s money wants to save effort
  6. Money for children’s education
  7. Lonely people’s money is spent on pets
  8. Money from the elderly for health

How to get out of debt

  1. Prioritize debt repayment first to reduce pressure
  2. Cut unnecessary expenses: shopping, eating out, and drinking
  3. Plan your spending economically, only serving basic living needs
  4. Negotiate with creditors to delay installment payments, or ask for permission to stop paying interest and only pay principal in case you can no longer pay.
  5. Ask for support from relatives to have money to pay the loan and reduce interest expenses.
  6. Give up shame and work hard to make money.