Transportation in Vietnam And Most Convenient Forms of Transportation for Foreign Tourists

Previously, friends from all over the world knew about Vietnam through the heroic history of the Vietnamese people’s struggle for independence. Today, Vietnam is more widely known in the world for its rapid economic development and attractive destination for traveling with beautiful beaches or natural masterpieces, rich history, and vibrant culture. From bustling cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi to peaceful destinations like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An, understanding different means of transportation can greatly enhance your travel experience. Friend. This guide delves into the modes of transportation in Vietnam and analyzes the most convenient options for foreign tourists.

Means of transportation in Vietnam

Vietnam’s area is about 332,000 km2, ranked 66th in the world, with the distance between the North and South poles being 1650km, with a coastline of 3,444km. Therefore, exploring all the attractive destinations takes a lot of time and careful research about transportation is essential. In general, the transport in Vietnam is divided into 3 main groups with the following vehicle representatives:

– Road transport: motorbikes, bicycles, cars, taxis, buses, trains.

– Waterway transport: boats, ships, ferries, yachts.

– Air transport: airplanes, helicopters.

Below are more details about commonly used vehicles:

  1. Motorcycles and scooters

Motorbikes and scooters – collectively known as motorbikes – are very flexible means of transportation widely used throughout Vietnam, every Vietnamese person aged 18 and over owns at least one motorbike. This vehicle is very convenient, easy to use, and has low travel costs. With each liter of gasoline, the car can take you 40 – 60km away. You can stop anywhere to shop, experience cuisine, and rest without having to worry too much about parking. This is a unique point about Vietnamese people’s means of transportation that you rarely see anywhere in the world.

Renting a motorbike is an option chosen by many adventurous travelers, allowing you to explore at your own pace and economically. However, foreigners need to have a valid international driver’s license, knowledge of local traffic laws, and confidence when navigating Vietnam’s dynamic traffic. This is no small challenge for first-time tourists coming to Vietnam, but if you stay in Vietnam for a long time, you will find that riding a motorbike to get around is a wonderful, memorable experience!

You can use a motorbike to move within a radius of about 50km, even for those who are used to using motorbikes, they can run 300-500km/day or can go everywhere in Vietnam with just a motorbike.

  1. Bicycles

Bicycling is a serene way to explore Vietnam, especially in scenic and less congested areas like Hoi An, Hue, and the Mekong Delta. Many hotels and hostels offer bicycle rentals, making it convenient for tourists to embark on a leisurely exploration of the countryside, where the beauty of Vietnam unfolds at every turn.

This means of transportation is suitable for short distances, such as within a city or on a few roads.

Bicycles are suitable for short distances, such as within a city or on a few roads. This is also a safe choice compared to riding a motorbike.

  1. Cars and Taxi

Taxis and ride-hailing services like Grab/Be are very popular in big cities, providing safety and convenience. Normally, with travel distances of about 100km, tourists will choose Taxi or ride-hailing services. In Vietnam, in big cities like Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang… ride-hailing services are more popular, because the prices are more economical, and you can know the exact amount to pay for a trip right away before deciding to book through applications. If you choose to take a taxi, carefully check the meter, observe, and ask clearly about the fare calculation before starting the journey to avoid being overcharged. Taxis are often chosen when traveling in areas far from large city centers.

In addition, the weather in Vietnam is often hot, traveling by air-conditioned car will help you feel more comfortable. In addition, from two big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, you can book a Vinfast electric taxi to experience a more environmentally friendly way to travel.

  1. Bus

Traveling by bus is economical, but their routes can be complicated for first-time visitors to Vietnam. You need to use Google Maps to track the details of the journey and get off at the correct stop.

However, the disadvantage of traveling by bus is that you may encounter crowding during rush hour, and have to walk quite a distance to get there.

  1. Coaches

Coaches provide a more comfortable and convenient way to travel between cities, travel distances can be up to 1000 – 2000 km, Coaches will often have individual beds to help bring the most comfort.

Regarding the appearance, coaches are quite similar to buses, but they are owned by a private company (buses that are usually state-owned), so the cost is higher. However, these buses are usually newer, don’t have to jostle, and the service is generally better than regular buses.

This is a better alternative than a taxi because the cost can be only 1/2 – 1/10 compared to taking a taxi depending on the distance traveled. The farther you go, the more clearly the coach shows its absolute advantages. However, if you are a first-time tourist coming to Vietnam, you should ask locals for guidance.

  1. Trains

The Reunification Express, running from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, epitomizes the romance of train travel, offering a scenic journey along the coast. Trains in Vietnam present a safer alternative to buses, allowing travelers to soak in the picturesque landscapes at a leisurely pace. Options range from hard seats to soft sleepers, catering to different comfort levels and budgets.

  1. Domestic Flights

For those short on time, domestic flights offer the quickest way to traverse the country. Vietnam has several domestic airlines, including Vietnam Airlines, VietJet Air, etc, connecting major cities and tourist destinations. While more expensive than other forms of transportation, flying can save valuable time that can be spent exploring. This means of transportation is often used when traveling between large cities that are far apart.

  1. Boats and Ferries

Vietnam’s geography, characterized by a long coastline and numerous rivers, makes boats and ferries a viable mode of transportation, especially in the Mekong Delta and for reaching islands like Phu Quoc and Cat Ba. River cruises in places like Ha Long Bay offer not just transportation but an unforgettable travel experience, showcasing the natural beauty of Vietnam’s waterways.

In addition, when you travel by taxi or coach, you may sometimes need to cross a ferry if the bridges are not ready to serve that locality.

Very Important: Analysis Of What Are Most Convenient Forms of Transportation for Foreign Tourists

  1. For City Exploration

In cities, the combination of walking, taxis, and ride-hailing services like Grab proves to be the most convenient for foreign tourists. This mix offers flexibility, safety, and ease of navigation without the need to understand complex public transport routes or tackle the hectic traffic on a motorbike.

  1. Inter-city Travel

For longer distances, domestic flights serve as the most efficient way to move between regions, especially when time is a constraint. When the journey is part of the experience, trains and coaches offer a comfortable and scenic alternative, with the added advantage of overnight sleeper options.

  1. Exploring Rural and Scenic Areas

In rural and scenic areas, renting bicycles or motorbikes can provide a deeply personal and immersive experience. It allows tourists to explore at their own pace, venturing off the beaten path and connecting more intimately with the landscape and local life.

  1. Navigating Waterways

In regions where waterways form the heart of life, such as the Mekong Delta and Ha Long Bay, boat tours and ferries become not just a mode of transport but a key part of the travel experience, offering unique perspectives and access to remote areas.


Navigating Vietnam’s diverse landscapes and cities is an adventure made easier by understanding the plethora of transportation options available. For foreign tourists, choosing the right mode of transport can enhance the travel experience, offering a blend of convenience, safety, and immersion into the vibrant culture and stunning scenery of Vietnam. Whether zipping through the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, gliding along the waters of Ha Long Bay, or traversing the length of the country by train, each mode of transport

Transportation in Vietnam And Most Convenient Forms of Transportation for Foreign Tourists

Previously, friends from all over the world knew about Vietnam through the heroic history of the Vietnamese people’s struggle for independence. Today, Vietnam is more widely known in the world for its rapid economic development and attractive destination for traveling with beautiful beaches or natural masterpieces, rich history, and vibrant culture. From bustling cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi to peaceful destinations like Ha Long Bay and Hoi An, understanding different means of transportation can greatly enhance your travel experience. Friend. This guide delves into the modes of transportation in Vietnam and analyzes the most convenient options for foreign tourists.

Means of transportation in Vietnam

Vietnam’s area is about 332,000 km2, ranked 66th in the world, with the distance between the North and South poles being 1650km, with a coastline of 3,444km. Therefore, exploring all the attractive destinations takes a lot of time and careful research about transportation is essential. In general, the transport in Vietnam is divided into 3 main groups with the following vehicle representatives:

– Road transport: motorbikes, bicycles, cars, taxis, buses, trains.

– Waterway transport: boats, ships, ferries, yachts.

– Air transport: airplanes, helicopters.

Below are more details about commonly used vehicles:

  1. Motorcycles and scooters

Motorbikes and scooters – collectively known as motorbikes – are very flexible means of transportation widely used throughout Vietnam, every Vietnamese person aged 18 and over owns at least one motorbike. This vehicle is very convenient, easy to use, and has low travel costs. With each liter of gasoline, the car can take you 40 – 60km away. You can stop anywhere to shop, experience cuisine, and rest without having to worry too much about parking. This is a unique point about Vietnamese people’s means of transportation that you rarely see anywhere in the world.

Renting a motorbike is an option chosen by many adventurous travelers, allowing you to explore at your own pace and economically. However, foreigners need to have a valid international driver’s license, knowledge of local traffic laws, and confidence when navigating Vietnam’s dynamic traffic. This is no small challenge for first-time tourists coming to Vietnam, but if you stay in Vietnam for a long time, you will find that riding a motorbike to get around is a wonderful, memorable experience!

You can use a motorbike to move within a radius of about 50km, even for those who are used to using motorbikes, they can run 300-500km/day or can go everywhere in Vietnam with just a motorbike.

  1. Bicycles

Bicycling is a serene way to explore Vietnam, especially in scenic and less congested areas like Hoi An, Hue, and the Mekong Delta. Many hotels and hostels offer bicycle rentals, making it convenient for tourists to embark on a leisurely exploration of the countryside, where the beauty of Vietnam unfolds at every turn.

This means of transportation is suitable for short distances, such as within a city or on a few roads.

Bicycles are suitable for short distances, such as within a city or on a few roads. This is also a safe choice compared to riding a motorbike.

  1. Cars and Taxi

Taxis and ride-hailing services like Grab/Be are very popular in big cities, providing safety and convenience. Normally, with travel distances of about 100km, tourists will choose Taxi or ride-hailing services. In Vietnam, in big cities like Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang… ride-hailing services are more popular, because the prices are more economical, and you can know the exact amount to pay for a trip right away before deciding to book through applications. If you choose to take a taxi, carefully check the meter, observe, and ask clearly about the fare calculation before starting the journey to avoid being overcharged. Taxis are often chosen when traveling in areas far from large city centers.

In addition, the weather in Vietnam is often hot, traveling by air-conditioned car will help you feel more comfortable. In addition, from two big cities, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, you can book a Vinfast electric taxi to experience a more environmentally friendly way to travel.

  1. Bus

Traveling by bus is economical, but their routes can be complicated for first-time visitors to Vietnam. You need to use Google Maps to track the details of the journey and get off at the correct stop.

However, the disadvantage of traveling by bus is that you may encounter crowding during rush hour, and have to walk quite a distance to get there.

  1. Coaches

Coaches provide a more comfortable and convenient way to travel between cities, travel distances can be up to 1000 – 2000 km, Coaches will often have individual beds to help bring the most comfort.

Regarding the appearance, coaches are quite similar to buses, but they are owned by a private company (buses that are usually state-owned), so the cost is higher. However, these buses are usually newer, don’t have to jostle, and the service is generally better than regular buses.

This is a better alternative than a taxi because the cost can be only 1/2 – 1/10 compared to taking a taxi depending on the distance traveled. The farther you go, the more clearly the coach shows its absolute advantages. However, if you are a first-time tourist coming to Vietnam, you should ask locals for guidance.

  1. Trains

The Reunification Express, running from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, epitomizes the romance of train travel, offering a scenic journey along the coast. Trains in Vietnam present a safer alternative to buses, allowing travelers to soak in the picturesque landscapes at a leisurely pace. Options range from hard seats to soft sleepers, catering to different comfort levels and budgets.

  1. Domestic Flights

For those short on time, domestic flights offer the quickest way to traverse the country. Vietnam has several domestic airlines, including Vietnam Airlines, VietJet Air, etc, connecting major cities and tourist destinations. While more expensive than other forms of transportation, flying can save valuable time that can be spent exploring. This means of transportation is often used when traveling between large cities that are far apart.

  1. Boats and Ferries

Vietnam’s geography, characterized by a long coastline and numerous rivers, makes boats and ferries a viable mode of transportation, especially in the Mekong Delta and for reaching islands like Phu Quoc and Cat Ba. River cruises in places like Ha Long Bay offer not just transportation but an unforgettable travel experience, showcasing the natural beauty of Vietnam’s waterways.

In addition, when you travel by taxi or coach, you may sometimes need to cross a ferry if the bridges are not ready to serve that locality.

Very Important: Analysis Of What Are Most Convenient Forms of Transportation for Foreign Tourists

  1. For City Exploration

In cities, the combination of walking, taxis, and ride-hailing services like Grab proves to be the most convenient for foreign tourists. This mix offers flexibility, safety, and ease of navigation without the need to understand complex public transport routes or tackle the hectic traffic on a motorbike.

  1. Inter-city Travel

For longer distances, domestic flights serve as the most efficient way to move between regions, especially when time is a constraint. When the journey is part of the experience, trains and coaches offer a comfortable and scenic alternative, with the added advantage of overnight sleeper options.

  1. Exploring Rural and Scenic Areas

In rural and scenic areas, renting bicycles or motorbikes can provide a deeply personal and immersive experience. It allows tourists to explore at their own pace, venturing off the beaten path and connecting more intimately with the landscape and local life.

  1. Navigating Waterways

In regions where waterways form the heart of life, such as the Mekong Delta and Ha Long Bay, boat tours and ferries become not just a mode of transport but a key part of the travel experience, offering unique perspectives and access to remote areas.


Navigating Vietnam’s diverse landscapes and cities is an adventure made easier by understanding the plethora of transportation options available. For foreign tourists, choosing the right mode of transport can enhance the travel experience, offering a blend of convenience, safety, and immersion into the vibrant culture and stunning scenery of Vietnam. Whether zipping through the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, gliding along the waters of Ha Long Bay, or traversing the length of the country by train, each mode of transport

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